सगुन मिनी आइपिओ केही बेरमा बन्द हुंदै, सल्लाहकार गुरुङले गरे अन्तिम अपिल

सल्लाहकार गुरुङ

लन्डन । सोसियल इकमर्श साइट सगुनमा लगानीको अन्तिम म्याद आज २६ जुलाइ मध्यरात सकिंदैछ । अमेरिकी समय अनुसार मध्यरातमा मिनी आइपिओ बन्द हुन लागेको हो । लगानीको अवसरका लागि अन्तिम समयमा बेलायतस्थित सगुनका सल्लाहकार सूर्य गुरुङले एक अपिल जारी गर्दै आफूहरुको अभियानमा साथ दिन अपिल गरेका छन् । आइटी र इनोभेसनका क्षेत्रमा नेपालीले गरेको साहस र कदममा सबैले साथ दिनुपर्ने बताउंदै गुरुङले छुटेका नेपालीलाई सगुनमा लगानी गर्न आव्हान गरे ।

गुरुङले हालसम्म लगानी गरेर आफूहरुको अभियानमा साथ दिनेप्रति पनि आभार व्यक्त गरेका छन् । बेलायतको नेपाली समुदायमा स्वच्छ छवि बनाएका समाजसेवी गुरुङको आग्रहमा नै यहांका सयौं नेपालीले सगुनमा लगानी गरिसकेका छन् ।

लगानीबारे विस्तृत यहां छ:


गुरुङको अपिल जस्ताको तस्तै-

Dear respected all,

Just a gentle reminder:


I sincerely hope that you will spare a fraction of your precious time from your busy schedules to learn about and invest in Sagoon; and in doing so, embrace and encourage emerging global entrepreneurship and innovation in the Nepali Diaspora, whilst augmenting your chances of a potential manifold return of your investment!

As you are aware, if they become successful as envisioned, ambitious enterprises like Sagoon could not only revolutionise the Nepali financial sector but also transform the mindset of our youth – it could pave way for global entrepreneirship for our future Nepali generations by imparting belief that with unity and right attitude, we Nepalis can also achieve big globally!

Sagoon has come this far, mitigating several risks normally faced by a startup, and envisages much success in the near future.

We are very fortunate to have received overwhelming support and investment from Nepalis across the globe, and as of today, investment is pouring in at a significant rate.

I would like to take this opportunity to extend my profound thanks to all our valuable investors and users for their steadfast belief in Sagoon which is the key impetus behind Sagoon’s very existence and growth!

I believe Sagoon has offered us all a rare and unmissable opportunity. So, please please support Sagoon by investing an amount you can risk as risk is always a factor in any startup. I look forward to your participation and solidarity in this historical movement of Nepalis!

Thanking you in anticipation for your support!

Jay Sagoon!


सम्बन्धित सामाग्री